Every Home Needs a Map, Here’s Why

27 Oct

If you have a house, it needs a map. Correction, whether you rent or own, your home needs a map. They are aesthetically pleasing, and always evoke a sense of nostalgia. Yet, if you have kids, a good historical map is indispensable. Let’s face it, our school system is not what it used to be. The focus has shifted. With that shift, a lot of things that used to get taught have been cut. Geography is one of them. Having a world map on hand can really help bring the world to life for your children. Here are a few things maps can do for your kids.

lisa-middleton-wm1. They Give Perspective. Maps help children understand where things are happening. They here things on the news and may think “what in the world is going on?” Maps help by giving them the “where in the world” location. This really helps children understand the scope and magnitude of the world as it relates to their tiny corner. It enlarges them.

2. See where Relatives Live. You can take a virtual trip to grandma’s house if you have a map at your disposal. Kids get a kick out of knowing where other relatives live. Furthermore, if you have a family member that serves in the military, maps help them see where they are stationed. This is a great way to help a son or daughter feel connected if their mom or dad is on active duty.

3. Use them as a reading supplement. Often, children are required to read certain books throughout the year. These books, even if they are fiction, will often times mention real places. A map can help bring those stories to life for your little ones. It is also a great way to help them read since they will have to remember the place name in order to locate it on the map.

lisa-middleton-every-home-needs-a-map4. Help with current events. A good geopolitical map is invaluable for so many things. They are a tool to help you explain the news as your child hears it. Wars, revolutions, and boundary changes occur constantly and can be confusing to a child if their only point of reference is what they see on the television. A map helps you show them where the activity is taking place. You can also do a few fun things with a geopolitical map. For instance, the next time the Olympics come around, see if your child can locate the more than 200 countries that participate. Better yet, see if you can!

5. Help kids dream. That’s right, maps spur a child’s creativity. They fill their mind and let their imagination wander, exploring what other cultures may look like, what amazing creatures might roam distant lands like Madagascar, and what it might be like to live as a king or queen, ruling another country. They are a great resource for fostering the creative side of your child’s brain.

A good map can do so much for your child. They give perspective, shed light on our changing world and encourage creativity. This is why every home needs a map. If you don’t have one, we would love to  make one for you. You can order a custom map from Great River Arts direct from our site, or browse our inventory to see if there is something we have that might interest you. Thank you for reading and sharing.

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