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5 People That Would Love a Hand Painted Map Gift

10 Nov
happy peopleadmin-ajaxcollagehappy people

You can smell cinnamon in the aisles at your favorite department store. Green and red are beginning to pop up inconspicuously. Christmas has a way of sneaking up on you. before you know it, you will go into marathon gift buying mode, scrambling purchase something meaningful for the people you love. Well, this year, why […]

Prester John

13 Oct

What do you do during the Holy Crusade when your kingdom is threatened by potential Muslim invasion? You call upon the help of a mythical Christian priest/king of course. That was the case in the 1100s. When relations got tense, and the Turks threatened to invade the Crusader Kingdoms under the leadership of Imad ad-din […]

The Pig War of 1859

22 Sep
Political Cartoon depicting the Pig War.

Not only are pigs a great source of food, they can also be a great source of trouble. Take for instance the Pig War that started in the mid-1800s. The incident was centered around the Treaty of 1846. As it happened, there were land disputes between the United States and Great Britain concerning the land that lay west […]

Audrey Hepburn Proves a Silk Scarf is the Perfect Gift for any Woman!

15 Sep

At Great River Arts, we are known for maps. We make beautiful, custom, hand painted historical maps featuring locations around the globe. We also produce custom maps of various sizes, according to the order placed. However, now we also produce custom silk scarves. That’s right, the same beautiful maps and locations featured on Great River […]